These pages of our website are being developed in conjunction the with Skye and Lochalsh Council of Voluntary Organisation‘s Advancing Active Journeys project. This project is grant funded by Paths For All and Think Health Think Nature. We aim to raise awareness and promote active travel in every day life.
We are mapping Kyle of Lochalsh to help promote the health benefits of getting outdoors for daily journeys to the shops, chemist, post office etc. We would like people who have limited mobility to feel confident in the journeys they are taking. With this in mind we will be producing an accessibility map of Kyle of Lochalsh. The map will show where key access points such as dropped kerbs and benches are located. Walking or rolling/wheeling for health benefits can be incorporated into daily journeys but often not knowing how to get about is the barrier. We hope to overcome some of these barriers during this project.

Finally we will be looking at some short walks in the Kyle of Lochalsh area for people of all abilities and mobility. The project is due to finish in March 2021 and be launched in Kyle of Lochalsh in the Spring of 2021. As we work on the Advancing Active Journeys Project we will be updating our website and social media so keep your eyes peeled for news.